November 16 – 18, 2023

TESOL Contexts: Global Practices of Teaching Academic Writing

Organizer: Association of Academic Writing Experts “National Writing Centers Consortium” (NWCC)

Format: blended

The National Writing Centers Consortium is inviting teachers of academic and research writing, writing centers’ staff, journal editors and researchers to participate in the conference “TESOL Contexts: Global Practicesof Teaching Academic Writing” focused on contemporary theories, practices, and trends in teaching EAL learners to communicate their research ideas in writing.

The conference is meant to be a platform for professionals from various cultures to discuss ways of helping learners develop the skills necessary to write clearly and effectively in a variety of discipline-specific genres. There is also a need to explore how the advent of AI-based technology impacts teaching writing. The technology has the potential to revolutionize the way writing centers provide assistance, too, which is also an important topic for discussion.

Through this conference, we aim to:
    • enhance understanding of contemporary theories and global practices of genre-based approaches to teaching discipline-specific L2 writing at all levels
    • highlight emerging concepts and methodologies ofusing AI for teaching and assessing writing
    • provide opportunities for writing centers to share their practices regarding modern trends, includingthe use of AI-based technologies
    • foster global research collaboration of writing centers and writing instructors
Conference sections:
Cross-disciplinary intersections between STEM subjects, humanities and English as an additional language in various academic contexts

Emerging writing genres and integrating genre-based approach into teaching discipline-specific L2 writing
Expanding roles of writing centers: Contemporary theory and global practices
Transformation of language teaching and assessment due to the advances in AI
  • Elena Bazanova
    Ph.D. in TESOL, Associate Professor, President of the Association of Academic Writing Experts “National Writing Centers Consortium”, Director of Academic Writing Office, National University of Science & Technology MISIS Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
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  • Svetlana Suchkova
    Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Head of the Academic Writing Center at the Higher School of Economics (HSE University), Moscow, Russia
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  • Nadežda Stojković
    Ph.D. Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Serbia
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  • Irina Korotkina
    D.Sc. in Education, Professor, Dean of the Interdisciplinary Department of English, Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, Director of Academic Writing and Communication Center, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; Institute for Education Development Strategy, Russia
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  • Leslie Dupont
    Ph.D., English Language Specialist College of Nursing at the University of Arizona, USA
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  • Dmitry Karpinski
    PhD (hab.) in Physics, Senior Researcher, National Research University of Electronic Technology – MIET, Russia SSPA “Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre of NAS of Belarus,” Belarus
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  • Anna Gorizontova
    Ph.D. in History, Senior Lecturer Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), Russia
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  • Kelly Metz-Matthews
    Ph.D. Faculty and Assistant Program Chair in the English as a Second Language (ESL) Department at San Diego College of Continuing Education; Stanford University EPIC Community College Faculty Fellow USA
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  • Chen Haixia  
    Ph.D, Associate Professor, School of Foreign Studies, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China
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  • Ron Martinez
    Ph.D., Faculty Writing Coach at the Center for Faculty Excellence at the University of Oklahoma, USA
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  • Jill Bonds
    Ed.D., English & ESL Professor, English Language Specialist West Hills Community College Coalinga, Coalinga, CA USA
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  • John Thorpe
    Senior English Language Arts/English Language Learner (ELA/ELL) Content Specialist Non-Profit Educational Research Agency headquartered in San Francisco, CA, USA
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  • Andressa Molinari
    Assistant Professor at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Coordinator of CITE (UFF Writing Centre) and Vice-Coordinator of the Language Laboratory (Lablínguas/UFF), Brazil
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  • Tatiana Glushko
    Ph.D., Coordinator Richard Wright Center for Writing, Rhetoric, and Research, Jackson State University, USA
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  • Pengrong Zhang
    Ph.D, Associate Professor, School of Foreign Studies, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China
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  • Monica M. Conlan
    M.A., Adjunct Professor of Psychology Truckee Meadows Community College. Head of the Tutoring and Literacy Center of the University of Nevada, USA
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  • Stuart Landers
    M.A. in TESOL; ESL, EFL, and EAP instructor University of Florida, South Korea's Kyungnam University, the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, Missouri State University, Colorado State University, USA
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  • Valeria Evdash
    Director of the Center for Foreign Languages and Communication and the Director of the Center for Academic Writing "Impulse," the University of Tyumen, Russia
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  • Ruwaida Abu Rass
    Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Beit Berl College, Israel
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  • Irina Yunatova
    Leading Expert in Knowledge Management NCO FOSTAS Foundation, St. Petersburg, Russia
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  • Inga Zashikhina
    Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Department of English Philology, Languages of Northern Countries and Linguodidactics, Northern (Arctic) Federal University (NARFU), Russia
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  • Svetlana Gudkova
    Ph.D. in Condensed Matter, Senior Researcher Deputy Head of Laboratory of Semiconductor Oxide Materials, Russia
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  • Aria Bierlaire
    M.A. in Humanities and Social Sciences, Anthropology School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, France English Language Specialist, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
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  • Danilo Ribeiro
    English, Literature, iGCSE, and Global Perspectives Teacher British International School, Moscow
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  • Tatiana Alenkina
    Ph.D., Associate Professor Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), Russia
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  • Jiang Xinxin
    Deputy Director of the Graduate Public English Teaching and Research Department, School of Foreign Studies, Harbin Engineering University, China

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  • Spencer Harrison
    M.A. in English with a focus on creative writing from the University of Illinois at Chicago, Fulbright English Teaching Assistant at Karaganda Buketov Unveristy, Kazakhstan
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  • Wu Yonghong
    Lecturer, Faculty of School of Foreign Studies, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China

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  • Rashmikiran Pandey
    Ph.D. student in Informatics and Computer Science Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), Russia Former Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, HBTU (State Govt. Institution), Kanpur, India | Former Research Fellow (JRF, SRF) at IIIT-A (Institute of National Importance) and FGIET, India

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  • Olesya Shadrina
    English Language Specialist, Department of Foreign Languages, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), Russia
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  • Natalia Popova
    Ph.D., in Sociology, Associate Professor Founder of the Laboratory of Scientific Translations, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia
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  • Anastasia Denisova
    Senior Lecturer, Foreign Languages Department, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia

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  • Evgenia Habirova
    Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Head of the Office of Academic Writing at South Ural State University (SUSU), Russia
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  • Wei Zhou
    Ph.D., Associate Professor School of Foreign Studies, Harbin Engineering University, China
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  • Olga Gudkova
    Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
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  • Natalia Fedorova
    M.A. in English Philology Manager at the HSE Academic Writing Center, Russia
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  • Natalia Kasatkina
    Ph.D. in Education, Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of Foreign Languages and Head of the Chair of Foreign Languages for Humanities Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Russia
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  • Victoria Tevs
    Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities, Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Russia
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  • Artem Sigaev
    B.A. with honors in Foreign Philology, M.A. in Counselling Psychology English Language Specialist, ITMO University, Russia
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  • Sun Shujuan
    Ph.D., Associate Professor, Lecturer School of Foreign Studies, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China
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  • Ilona Bagdasarova
    Senior Lecturer, Foreign Languages Department, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
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  • Anastasia Detkova
    Senior Lecturer, Foreign Languages Department, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
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  • Oksana Marunevich
    Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), Russia
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  • Olga Rossikhina
    Ph.D. in Biology, Associate Professor, National University of Science Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia
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  • Yan Ning
    Vice-director of the 1st College English Teaching and Research Division of School of Foreign Studies, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China
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  • Tendai Chikake
    Ph.D. candidate in Discrete Mathematics, Applied Combinatorics for Machine Learning Operations and general optimisations, Engineer, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), Russia
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  • Ana Raquel
    Ph.D in Applied Linguistics, Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Brazil
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  • Ekaterina Firsova
    Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russi
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  • Ruslan Saduov
    Assistant Professor of English Lab of Humanities, Innopolis University, Russia
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  • Natalia Savvina
    Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
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  • Yulia Ryabukhina
    Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Head of Chair of Foreign Languages ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
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  • Maria Dyachuk
    Senior Lecturer, National University of Science Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia
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Conference Schedule (Download)

Round table discussion:

The Role of Writing Centers in Developing Academic Literacy

Date – Fri, November 17, 2023
Time -17:00 Moscow time
Participants: Elena Bazanova, Ron Martinez, Irina Korotkina, Andressa C. Molinari, Valeria Evdash, Evgenia Khabirova, Inga Zashikhina, Yulia Ryabukhina, Natalia Popova, Ana Raquel Fialho Ferreira
Moderator – Svetlana Suchkova

The round-table discussion aims to provide a space for sharing best practices of assisting non-native writers in their academic writing endeavors. We have invited writing center directors and staff to discuss common challenges and possible solutions for the issues arising at educational, institutional, regional, and global levels.

The questions for the discussion are:
  • What role do writing centers play at the university/community? What helps them to maintain/sustain their activities? How have the policies changed now, if they have?
  • How can we measure the impact and effectiveness of the writing center's programs and services? What best practices are worth sharing with global writing center folks?
  • What challenges do centers experience, and how do they cope with them?
  • What major challenges do writing centers’ clients face? What requests do they voice, and how do the centers cater to those requests?
  • How do we envision potential global collaboration between centers?

If you join the discussion, you will learn about a variety of services the centers offer, listen to unique success stories and case studies that highlight positive outcomes of the centers’ work, and ask questions that interest you. Mark the event in your calendars.

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© 2023 The Association of Academic Writing Experts "National Writing Centres Consortium"