Alexey Trukhanov, Doctor (Full Doctor) of Sciences, Assoc. Prof.
Leading Researcher of the State Scientific and Production association "Scientific-Practical Materials research Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"

More than 490 publications (1 collective monograph and 3 chapters in monograph ; >380 full papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, more than 130 conference materials and 15 patents)
h-index: 73
Papers in journals: 357
Science Citation Index: 12429

A.V. Trukhanov is a well-known scientist in the field of materials science: functional magnetic materials, low-dimensional systems, complex oxides of transition metal ions, magnetic alloys. The main direction of his scientific research is connected with the processes of synthesis and establishing the correlation of the chemical composition, structural features, magnetic, electrical and microwave properties of complex oxides and composite materials based on them and complex alloys. He was the first to establish and confirm the nature of the formation of a nonzero dipole moment in M-type hexaferrites. The results obtained remove the contradictions between the experimentally recorded results and theoretical premises, which for several decades did not allow establishing the nature of double ferroic properties in quasi-centrosymmetric systems. The results obtained open up prospects for the practical implementation of such materials (multiferroics) in the field of magnetic/electric field sensors, systems for recording and storing information with a dual control principle. Trukhanov A.V. comprehensive studies of the electrodynamic characteristics of complex iron oxides and composite materials in the microwave range have been carried out. The relationship between the amplitude-frequency characteristics, chemical composition, microstructural parameters and external influences has been established. The mechanisms describing the absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the region of natural ferromagnetic resonance and domain wall resonance are presented. These results open up broad prospects for the practical implementation of these materials as media that effectively absorb electromagnetic radiation for antenna technologies and functional devices of microwave technology.
The high scientific authority of A.V. Trukhanov in the international arena is confirmed by the results of active cooperation with colleagues from abroad: South Korea (Dongguk University); China (North-China Electromagnetic Protection Research Institute; Xi'an Jiaotong University, Yibin University and Guangdong University of Technology); Saudi Arabia (Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology); Russian Federation (IAI RAS, IGIC RAS, Lomonosov Moscow State University, JINR, NUST MISIS and SUSU); India (Gujarat University, Lovely Professional University and Amity University Haryana); France (Institut Laue-Langevin); Germany (Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology); Egypt (Tanta University); Brazil (Federal University of CearĂ¡) and Kazakhstan (Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Gumilyov Eurasian National University). The effectiveness of the work of A.V. Trukhanov is confirmed by significant scientometric indicators.

Title: International Scientific Collaboration: Challenges and Perspectives
The present-day challenges force all economies to compete strongly in the transition to a new technology mode. In this light, the scientist's position as a structural unit of invention is vitally important. The concepts of scientific globalization are also recognized in the modern scientific world. This is represented in two major trends: the global integration of scientific concepts at the interstate level, and the growth of interdisciplinary links. It is collaborative study at the "junction of sciences" with worldwide teams that allows for synergistic effects. It is difficult to envision implementing major multinational projects without a unique infrastructure base and uniting the intellectual potential of scientists from many countries.